From Our Family To Yours.
We’re proud to offer the highest quality, most unique merchandise on the market today.
From our family to yours, we put lots of love and careful attention in each item.
We hope you enjoy our work as much as we enjoy bringing it to you.
Legal disclaimer
I recognize that there may be risks associated with the participation in L’Chaim Farms, LLC’s subscription and delivery service (“subscription”), and I assume full responsibility for my current and future medical issues that may arise by participating in the subscription, which may include raw milk and raw dairy products. I have provided full disclosure to my physician of all known medical conditions which include and is not limited to food allergies and sensitivities, and have been cleared by my physician prior to participating in the subscription.
I further release and discharge L’Chaim Farms, LLC for medical issues, injury, loss or damage arising out of my or my participation in the subscription, whether caused by the fault of myself, L’Chaim Farms, LLC or other third parties such as employees, business partners and affiliates of L’Chaim Farms, LLC.
I agree to indemnify and defend L’Chaim Farms, LLC against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs, which may in any way arise from my participation in the subscription, and engaging in the services of L’Chaim Farms, LLC.
In the event that I am no longer able to participate in the subscription, I agree to be bound by the assumption of risks, release and limitation of liability. Any claims are limited to a refund and no other legal claims can be made against L’Chaim Farms, LLC, its partners or third parties associated with L’Chaim Farms, LLC.